Solly Challenges FAQ
1st Box Tuesday 6th December
2nd Box Wednesday 7th December
3rd Box Thursday 8th December
4th Box Friday 9th December
5th Box Monday 12th December
6th Box Tuesday 13th December
7th Box Wednesday 14th December
8th Box Thursday 15th December
Who can participate?
Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, no matter where you are in the world.
When will the boxes/questions be unlocked?
A new gift will “unwrap” to reveal a new question every day at 09:00 AM EDT, except on the weekend December 10th &11th.
What if I miss a day?
If you miss a day, you can go back to unwrap the previous “gifts”.
Where are the answers hidden?
You can find most of the answers in the Developer Community forum by reading through the posts and comments. Other answers will be hidden throughout Solace resources, such as:
Solace Developer portal
Solace Developer Codelabs
Solace YouTube channel
Solace Developer Samples on GitHub.
How will the winners be selected?
The winners are selected based on how many “gifts” they unwrap. In other words, whoever gets the highest number of correct answers to the questions will be the winners. In case of a tie, we will hold a random draw.
When will the winners be announced?
We will announce the winners shortly after the event.